What Is Lateral Surface Area?

Are you curious to know what is lateral surface area? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about lateral surface area in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is lateral surface area?

In the realm of geometry, understanding the intricacies of surface area is crucial for solving mathematical problems and real-world applications. One essential aspect is the concept of lateral surface area. Let’s delve into what lateral surface area is, explore its formulas, and distinguish it from other related terms.

What Is Lateral Surface Area?

Lateral surface area is the measurement of the surface area excluding the top and bottom faces of a three-dimensional object. It focuses solely on the sides or lateral faces, providing a specific perspective on the object’s surface coverage.

What Is The Difference Between Lateral Area And Surface Area:

While surface area encompasses all faces of a three-dimensional object, including the top and bottom, lateral area exclusively considers the side faces. The key difference lies in whether or not the top and bottom faces are included in the measurement.

What Is The Lateral Surface Area Of A Triangular Prism:

For a triangular prism, the lateral surface area involves calculating the combined area of the three rectangular faces. This excludes the triangular bases, offering a precise measurement of the prism’s lateral coverage.

What Is The Difference Between Lateral And Total Surface Area:

Total surface area includes all faces of a three-dimensional object, while lateral surface area only accounts for the side faces. The distinction helps in understanding how much of the surface contributes to the total measurement.

What Is Lateral Surface Area In Math:

In mathematical terms, lateral surface area is calculated by finding the sum of the areas of the lateral or side faces. It is a fundamental concept in geometry and plays a vital role in various mathematical applications.

What Is Lateral Surface Area Formula:

The formula for calculating lateral surface area varies based on the shape of the object. For a rectangular prism or cylinder, it involves adding the areas of the lateral faces. The formula adapts to the specific characteristics of each geometric shape.

What Is Lateral Surface Area Of Cuboid:

In the case of a cuboid, the lateral surface area formula requires finding the sum of the areas of the four rectangular faces. This formula aids in determining how much of the cuboid’s surface contributes to its overall lateral coverage.

You can read here some interesting facts on infodeath.

Lateral Surface Area Of Cylinder:

The lateral surface area of a cylinder involves finding the product of the height and the circumference of the circular base. Excluding the top and bottom circles, this measurement specifically focuses on the curved surface.

Lateral Surface Area Of Cube:

For a cube, the lateral surface area is the sum of the areas of the four square faces. This excludes the top and bottom squares, providing a distinct measurement of the cube’s lateral coverage.

Lateral Surface Area Of Cone:

Calculating the lateral surface area of a cone involves finding the product of the slant height and the circumference of the base. This measurement excludes the circular base, concentrating on the curved surface of the cone.

Total Surface Area:

Total surface area includes all faces of a three-dimensional object – lateral and top/bottom faces. It provides a comprehensive measurement, offering a complete view of the object’s surface coverage.


In conclusion, understanding lateral surface area is paramount in geometry, allowing mathematicians and students to grasp the specific coverage of side faces in three-dimensional objects. By exploring formulas for different shapes and distinguishing it from related terms, individuals can master the concept and apply it to solve a myriad of mathematical problems.


What Is Lateral Surface Area Class 10?

length) = 2 × (lb + bh + hl). The total surface area of a cube is given by 6 × (side)2. The lateral surface area of a cuboid is given by 2(length + breadth) × height. Similarly, the lateral surface area of a cube of side “a” is equal to 4 × (side)2.

Is Lsa And Csa Same?

Curved Surface Area (CSA) – It includes the area of all the curved surfaces. Lateral Surface Area (LSA) – It includes the area of all the surface excluding the top and bottom areas. Total Surface Area (TSA) – It includes the area of all the surfaces of the object including the bases.

What Is Lateral Surface Class 8?

Well, the lateral surface or face of a three-dimensional figure refers to all the sides of the solid figure, except its base and top.

What Is Lateral Surface Area Class 9?

Lateral surface area (LSA) is the area of all the sides apart from the top and bottom faces. The lateral surface area of the cuboid. = Area of face AEHD + Area of face BFGC + Area of face ABFE + Area of face DHGC. = 2(b × h) + 2(l × h)

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is The Lateral Surface Area

What Is The Difference Between Lateral Area And Surface Area

What Is The Lateral Surface Area Of A Triangular Prism

What Is The Difference Between Lateral And Total Surface Area

What Is Lateral Surface Area In Math

What Is Lateral Surface Area Formula

What Is Lateral Surface Area Of Cuboid

Lateral Surface Area Of Cylinder

Lateral Surface Area Of Cube

Lateral Surface Area Of Cone

Total Surface Area

What Is Lateral Surface Area