Should I Replace My Car Seat Following an Accident?

Auto accidents frequently leave victims with numerous inquiries and concerns. You may be wondering, if you had a car seat in your automobile, whether it must be replaced after an accident. The answer relies on the accident’s specifics. Get help from an experienced attorney for your car accident claims.

When should car seats be replaced?

Arizona has no actual laws regarding car seat replacement after an accident. However, it is still strongly advised for your child’s protection.  According to the NHTSA, a car seat should always be replaced if it has been involved in a “moderate to severe” collision. To qualify as a “minor” collision, all of the following must be true:

  • The automobile is driveable after the collision.
  • The nearest door to the car seat is not damaged.
  • No automobile occupants were injured in the collision.
  • The vehicle’s airbags did not deploy.
  • The automobile seat shows no apparent damage.

If you meet all of these criteria, the accident is considered minor. After a minor collision, it is probably unnecessary to replace the car seat because there is likely no damage. Nevertheless, you should always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you are unsure whether your car seat needs to be replaced, you should contact the manufacturer.

The accident is classified as moderate or severe if any of these criteria are met. It is essential to replace the car seat after a slight or severe accident in order to provide the greatest protection for your child. Stop using the car seat immediately, dispose of it, and purchase a new one.

The insurance provider or the insurance of the party at fault may reimburse you for the price of a new car seat. An experienced auto accident attorney can help you determine whether or not this is possible and register a claim on your behalf.

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Why is it essential to replace your car seat following an accident?

A car seat’s primary purpose is to protect your infant in the event of an accident. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IHS), placing your infant in an appropriate car seat instead of relying on a seat belt substantially reduces the risk of injury and death in the event of an accident. A suitable car seat accommodates your child’s age, size, and weight.

Car seats are explicitly designed to protect infants during a collision. Damage to the interior or exterior of the car seat reduces the level of safety it may provide. Even if it does not appear to be damaged, it is crucial to immediately replace a car seat after a severe car accident, even if it appears undamaged.