I Can Judge Cheap Brands For Leather Jackets For Men! How?

Sometimes we analyze the quality of a purchased item by its price as we think that money is important to tell the quality or standard. But we are not always at the right choice. Sometimes good quality is displayed at an average price. The thing I use to discern the good quality of a leather jacket is its composition and structure which is vivid through knowing its process of manufacture.

  • Identifying Leather Jackets:

Many brands are selling their respective quality of leather jackets but the best among them are usually even high-priced or above the average price. The market selling rates for leather jackets range from $60 to $500 or even more. People get confused while buying these leather jackets as the real quality is not understood by all. 

There are the following types of leather observed:

  1. Real Leather: This leather is made up of animal hides like goat skin, horse skin, lamb skin, etc. its texture is smoother and even all over and is very firm for lifetime use.
  2. PU Leather: It is a realistic imitation of pure leather but is made up entirely of polyurethane plastic which is a man-made material. It represents the look of genuine leather but in fact, is fake. 
  3. Faux Leather: It is made up of several elements that may include dyes, wax, and polyvinyl chloride which combine to pretend like a real leather feeling.

If I am going to buy a good and long-lasting leather jacket from the market then I can first make a wise and identifiable choice by knowing the originality.

An original leather jacket is always expensive because of its unique organic texture, labor span, the thickness of inner and outer lining, and some extra definitions in stylizing structure. The price of an original leather jacket is somewhere between $250 to $2000 and even more. But being frugal and budgeted, I would prefer a suitable pocket-friendly brand that not only imparts me genuine leather but also offers a reasonable price. If I search for an online brand in this respect, then the rising star Leatheriza Affinity is a unique choice for me especially for purchasing leather jacket for men. This brand makes the buyers lucky by curating high-quality, pure, and handmade leather jackets at a very pocket-friendly rate. This is a flourishing US brand gaining excellence day by day all over the world.

  • Tips For Testing Cheap Brands:

So, my first choice will be a famous remarkable brand but I can use many wise tips to know the identity of the material too as follows:

  • Touch and Feel:

High-quality leather will feel slightly smooth and warm but if it felt like so smooth like plastic then it may be faux leather.

  • Smell judgment:

Original leather has an organic or natural smell whereas synthetic leather gives out a plastic or chemical-like smell. Most people prefer to buy pure leather jackets because of their addictive smell and once smelled they can recognize it for a lifetime because of its uniqueness.

  • Edges:

I can judge the genuineness of leather by checking its edges. It always has rough roundness and coarse edges but the edges of synthetic leather are smooth and perfect. Some manufacturers try to make edges smooth for extra definition but the real leather is always identifiable.

  • Water Absorbance Test:

Real leather has natural pores and therefore has a unique ability to absorb water. Dark spots will appear on the surface where moisture touches until the water evaporates. I can just put 1 to 2 drops of water on the surface and if it gets absorbed then it means it is real. In the case of synthetic leather, the water remains on the surface.

  • Compare Bending:

I can bend the real leather and if it will be real then it shows the color variation. On the other hand, faux leather has no more elasticity than real leather. Synthetic leather is more regular and wrinkles easily. Faux leather can break on stretching. But real leather never breaks or stretches.

  •  Weight:

Real leather such as cowhides and lambskin is heavier than synthetic leather. I can judge it by lifting the jacket in my hands and if it is of pure leather then it is heavier than the synthetic one.

So, there are several tips to be followed for judging cheap quality brands against the original ones. If I have to identify inside a store then I should ask the storekeeper to give me an extra piece for trying these because their displayed products may get spoilt by trying out these tips.

I have the knack for distinguishing an original leather jacket from a synthetic one to avoid hood-winking in the market. So, I think I can better guide you with such amazing checking methods. Pure leather jackets for men are worth trying and are long-lasting.


So, the exact ways of judging cheap brands are really simple and easy to be followed. The highly recognized name of Leatheriza Affinity is worth loving for its quality as compared to other competitors because they have pure leather jackets at an average price with an online purchase facility. I can exactly try and tell others how to judge cheap brands against genuine quality leather jackets through smelling, touching, weight check, etc. Real leather is for lifetime use and thus a one-time investment.